Tuesday, April 28, 2009

5 Tips to Help You Drink Moderately

The benefits of drinking alcohol have long been known. Hypertension, heart, liver, and kidney disorders and diseases, digestive ailments, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, hearing loss, macular degeneration, poor cognition and memory, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, stress and depression, and erectile dysfunction are just some of the conditions that can be helped by moderate alcohol consumption.

For many people, however, drinking within safe limits is not an easy feat, especially when they’re out having a convivial time with friends. It would be wise then to keep some tricks up one’s sleeves.

  1. If you know you’re going to be drinking alcohol, quench your thirst by drinking some water first. Make sure too that you have something to eat before you begin to drink.

  1. Chase your alcoholic drink with water or a soda. Munch on snacks in between taking sips. This will cause you to drink less and also slow down the alcohol’s effects in your body.

  1. Select your drinks well. If you’re drinking wine, ask for a small glass, not the gargantuan goblets that some restaurants have taken to serving lately. Opt for spritzers and shandies and other low-alcohol drinks to reduce alcohol content.

  1. Set a limit for yourself and count your drinks. When you’ve reached your set limit, then stop. Don’t feel compelled to keep up with everyone else. If you’re finding it difficult to stop drinking in the environment you’re in, then just leave. You can simply say that you’ve had your limit.

  1. Choose to socialize with people whom you’re comfortable with under any circumstances. If you’re not comfortable with certain people unless you’ve had something to drink, then avoid socializing with them.

By changing your drinking patterns, it is possible to drink in moderation, have a good time, and enjoy the healthful benefits of alcoholic beverages.

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